We have the pleasure to inform you that the event "Charitable Carnival", that took place in the leisure centre 'Oplà' (Cagliari), Sunday 17th of February, has reached its goals:
- the hall was full of playful children;
- we have introduced our organisation to the generous parents;
- many funds have been raised and then directly sent to the orphanage;
- but mostly important, five kids have been supported through the distance support programme.
We thank again all the children and parents who have participated, and those who have contributed even though they could not come for personal indisposition.
Special thanks go to Stefano Fontoni from 'Oplà', who has kindly offered the hall with a very professional entertainment; and to Cristina Mura who, with her talent and patience, has put a
wonderful make-up on the children who where there.
PARTY FOR CHILDREN from the youngest up to 12 years old.
The entries are limited so booking is required.
Carnival party with Nutella is the hall of the leisure centre Oplà, via Prunas 8 in Cagliari, provided with toys and entrateinment.
The proceeds will be devolved to the orphanage Good Samaritan - Kenya